Some of the kids watching some television before bed, at Midnight!!!

Outside for trick or treat.

Jack only went up and got candy from two houses, and Lillian only did 5. It was cold,

Group photo.

Just before heading outside.

Having some fun and eating cookies.

Here are Saturday's photo's at Auntie Sara's house...the kids and I had a great time :)

Here are the kids and Auntie Lori. Auntie Lori has a pumpkin carving night at her house each year and she goes all out with decorations and food. Here are the kids in her hats and high heeled shoes :)

The kids table.

Jack with his Patrick pumpkin.

Lillian's pumpkin is on the left and Abigail's is on the right. They are so cute, but neither of them would put their hand inside to clean it out, silly kids.

Jack is all ready to go!
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