Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pom Dance Clinic

Little Buddy watching the girls :)

The girls had lots of fun at Pom and Dance clinic last week Saturday.

Cupcake Playdate

Lillian, MaryAnn, Abigail, Jack and Paige.

The girls each had a friend over last week. We wanted to try out our cupcake decorator, which by the way don't purchase. The cupcakes fly off the holder when pressing down the handle to get the frosting out. However, they all had fun with lots of laughs!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall Family Dance

Jack, Molly, Lillian and Abigail
What cute kids :)

Jack the little dancing machine :)
Abigail and Lauren
Kennedy and Lillian
Abigail and Sonja
Lillian, Molly and Kennedy
Ellie, Lillian and Jack
End of the night and time for bed :)
The fall family dance was lots of fun! McD's for dinner, playland, book fair and then some dancing with friends :) What a great night!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lillian's Daisy Troop

My friend Tammy and I are leading Lillian's Kindergarten Daisy Troop. We went from 11 girls who signed up last week to 22 girls at our first meeting! I am sure their will be a few more that join once the word spreads that we had cake and juice tonight :)
However, the meeting went great all of the girls listened and Lillian and I can't wait until the next meeting. This was wonderful for her and I do to something together.

My Little Buddy

Jack can sleep just about anywhere, even the middle of the kitchen floor. Everyone was home and he was sound asleep. Wish I could sleep that well :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Some of the kids watching some television before bed, at Midnight!!!
Outside for trick or treat.
Jack only went up and got candy from two houses, and Lillian only did 5. It was cold, burrrr!

Group photo.
Just before heading outside.

Having some fun and eating cookies.

Here are Saturday's photo's at Auntie Sara's house...the kids and I had a great time :)

Here are the kids and Auntie Lori. Auntie Lori has a pumpkin carving night at her house each year and she goes all out with decorations and food. Here are the kids in her hats and high heeled shoes :)

The kids table.
Jack with his Patrick pumpkin.
Lillian's pumpkin is on the left and Abigail's is on the right. They are so cute, but neither of them would put their hand inside to clean it out, silly kids.
Jack is all ready to go!

A group shot of us before we head out to Auntie Lori's house :)