Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Fun

Molly, Lillian, Kayla, Jack and Abigail
Lillian and Molly making crafts.
Jack trying his best to color on the craft project.
Abigail and Kayla working on their key chain craft project.
Looking for eggs inside the church.
All of the kids on a mad dash! Watch out!!!
Jack just being silly :)
Jack, Lillian and Molly, waiting for the singing part of the program to start.
Lillian wanting to show all of her eggs that she found.
This morning, I took the three kids to Kayla and Molly church for breakfast, crafts, an egg hunt and music. We all had so much fun!
Abigail and Kayla go to Ronald Reagan together and are both in first grade. And Lillian and Molly also go to the same Junior Kindergarten program at Hales Corners Lutheran. Jack is still the only boy :( I will find him some friends hopefully over the summer.
The kids and I have become very close with their family and do many things together, we are all thankful that they are part of our lives:)

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