Monday, February 25, 2008

Bus, Domes, Train, Bus....What a Day!

Today Abigail had a field trip which started at school, then went to the Domes to see the Train Exhibit, then to the downtown train station to board and head to Sturtevant, and last back to school. What a day....I am exhausted! But I had a great time with Abigail:)
Abigail and I enjoying our first train ride together:)
Here are some of Abigail's friends from her class.

Abigail really loved to smell all of the flowers, she was so cute:)

Sania, Abigail and Ananya. These are the girls I had for my group.

On the bus, ready to have some fun!

Waiting in line in school, they all have ants in their pants.

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