Friday, May 25, 2007

Taking a Rest

The girls are resting after a long day of playing hard.

Swing Time

Jack's first time on the swing.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Going to Kindergarten Orientation

Miss Abigail is not so little anymore:( We are off to Kindergarten Orientation.


Lillian and Jack, just love having their photos taken together.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Mommy and the kids

The kids and I on Mother's Day.

What Love!

The girls loving their brother.

Sisters Having Fun

Abigail and Lillian just having some fun together on Mother's Day.

Look, No Help!

Jack can now sit up all on his own. He is getting so big so fast.

Happy Mother's Day

Abigail singing songs at school for her Mother's Day Program.


Our little smiling pirate Jack!

Look Mom All Clean!

The girls really wanted their photo taken.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Rock Stars in the Making

The ladies and their love of music!

Jack, listening to his sisters play their music......

Little Buddy

Here is little buddy trying out his smiling skills.